Arts & CultureArts and culture on the island of Barbados is very much alive as it constitutes for the very essence of our being. The diversity that lives on the island has created a beautiful fusion of various backgrounds and cultures that serve to unify and give birth to truly wonderful creations. A breakdown of the category Art & Culture includes:-
ArtsThe Arts in Barbados have certainly become a very significant aspect of the island in recent times. The absolutely amazing blend of various talents throughout the island has aided in creating a variety of styles and medium. Art produced in Barbados tends to be reflective of the way of life on the island and what it has to offer. One can catch up on this by visiting one of the many art galleries or by attending any of the festivals, like NIFCA that eagerly exhibit the works of so many Barbadians.
CultureThe very unique sound of our dialect, the way in which we interact with our neighbours and the very rum shops where crowds gather are but just a few of the many things that make Barbados, Barbados. Cultural events play a significant role on the island as this is a time when we come alive with colour, creativity and good vibes. The people of Barbados are quite serious about their culture and if ever challenged on the way in which they are conduting themselves for one reason or another, can often time be heard saying "dat is we culture". Of course it would make absolute sense for you to now take a peek at our Bajan Dialect section in the event you are struggling with the true meaning of the word "dat".