Cotton Tower Signal StationA country's history contributes to its present and its future. Cotton Tower Signal Station located off Route 6, at the top of Bowling Alley Hill in St. Joseph is one such location. It was one of six signal stations constructed in the early 19th century and set up by the British army, members of which were based here during that period. Of those six (6), only two others remain, Grenade Hall Forest and Signal Station in St. Andrew and Gun Hill in St. George.
These ingenuous structures were used as communication methods for the authorities. The system was introduced to alert them about possible slave uprisings or of approaching ships to Barbados, whether in peace or otherwise. This process could be equated to the news briefs or breaking news stories of today as flags and codes were used to convey these messages island wide and between the other signal stations in Barbados.
Due to its height and location, the views from the Cotton Tower Signal Station provide phenomenal views of the east coast of Barbados. This site was restored by the Barbados National Trust and is open to the public for viewing.