St. Andrew's ChurchControversy surrounds whether or not the building known as St. Andrew's Parish Church (established in 1630) actually survived the hurricane that ravaged the island of Barbados in 1780; some accounts state that it was one of the churches reduced to 'ruinous condition' while others state that it had indeed survived. In any case, this majestic church was one of the three churches that did survive the great hurricane of 1831 but it soon fell into a state of disrepair and was slated for demolition in 1842.
The knocking down of this church building brought a public outcry from the people of Barbados and the church was subsequently rebuilt 1846; that building serves as the current church.
St. Andrew's Parish church is located north of the Bathsheba coast on the eastern side of the island of Barbados, quite near to the magnificent Morgan Lewis Windmill (one of the only two intact and restored Sugar Mills in the Caribbean. The other is located at Betty's Hope Estate in Antigua).
This beautiful Barbadian church very closely resembles a traditional, English church with its gothic inspired architecture and square tower. From a distance one might mistake this quaint church for one of the churches that dots the English landscape but on closer examination, the bright blue skies, waif-like mile trees and elegant mahogany trees reveal that this magnificent old church is indeed located in the Caribbean on the beautiful island of Barbados.
St. Andrew's Parish Church stands guard along highway two, as if welcoming locals and visitors alike to the untamed parish St. Andrew on the beautiful island of Barbados.