Drive InThe Globe Drive In is the only open air movie theatre located in Barbados. It is situated at Adam's castle, Christ Church very near to the largest shopping centre located on the island (Sheraton Centre).
In the past there were two Drive In theatres on the island but the Sundown Drive in closed operations several years ago. The Globe Drive In provides both local and visitors alike with an unforgettable experience where patrons get to sit and enjoy the movies in the comfort of their vehicles under the clear, starry, Barbadian sky.
While at the drive in there is a small snack bar that provides the typical Drive In fare; hotdogs, hamburgers, pizza, sodas, pop corn, ice-cream and candy. However, for those of you hoping for a more local experience you can savour the Bajan and Caribbean delicacies like hot and spicy fishcakes, rotis, samosas and of course Flying Fish Cutters.
The Globe Drive In features one large movie screen and the movies can be heard by switching your vehicle's stereo system to the 107.3 frequency. The Globe Drive in Barbados is opened seven days a week, usually with two showings of the featured show daily.
The admission to the Drive In is currently set at fifteen dollars ($15) for adults and six dollars ($6) for children under the age of twelve. For this price, patrons are treated to two movies, one beginning at approximately 6:30 pm (depending on the time of sunset at various times of the year) and the next starting at about 8:30 pm, with a repeat of the feature film directly after the showing of the second film.
For those of you wanting the true Drive In experience, you could pack up the vehicle with food, friends and family and enjoy a picnic under the stars while enjoying the latest blockbuster from Hollywood.
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