Barbados BlueBarbados Blue's dive shop is located at the Hilton Hotel Complex, Needham's Point, St. Michael. The prime location gives easy access to Barbados' south and west coast waters. Shipwreck enthusiasts can head over to the nearby Carlisle Bay Marine Park. The beach at Hilton is considered to be quite an attraction when it comes to the nesting of the Hawksbill Turtle. So populated are these shores with these turtles that there is always a great possibility that you will see one while out on one of the many watersports activities undertaken by Barbados Blue.
At Barbados Blue, you will find a team of medically trained staff who will eagerly help you enjoy a wide range of water sports and scuba diving activities with heavy concentration on the ecological facets of snorkelling and scuba diving. Based on their close affiliation with the Barbados Sea Turtle Project and the University of the West Indies, constant emphasis is placed on not harming these spectacular creatures. Two Marine Biologists are stationed at Barbados Blue dive shop with one of them, Andre Miller MSc, being the PADI Project Aware Coordinator for the island of Barbados.
Barbados Blue has another dive shop on the island's south coast by the name of Turtle Point. A name that is quite fitting as at this particular location, an average of about ten (10) turtles can be seen on each dive. The rare Ridley sea turtle species was spotted in April 2008 while on one of these dives.
Of particular interest to note is the fact that the drafting of Barbados' diving and water sports regulations were assisted by Barbados Blue. For further information on Barbados Blue, click here, or contact them at (246) 434-5764.