bakes barbados


Bakes - yes you are reading it correctly and yes that is the entire name. Bakes are a traditional, easy to make delicacy here in Barbados.


They are usually flat but some persons opt to include baking powder which would result in a bigger and more rounded bake. Some may refer to the larger, more rounded bake as a muffin but the bake is indeed related to the bajan muffin and also a relative to the ever popular and tasty fish cakes.


Bakes are made with flour, water, salt and sugar. On the other hand, muffins may consist of spices or essence to give a different kind of taste, while the fish cake may consist of flour, different seasonings and salted codfish. Each is done differently depending on the type and taste of the individual experimenting to create a unique flavor to the already popular tradition.


Bakes are familiar in most households in Barbados. In traditional times bakes were referred to as "Survival Food" due to their basic easy-to-find ingredients which could be found in every household. In Barbados, bakes are usually served around breakfast time or occasionally as an afternoon snack, due to its quick and easy to make process. Bakes are a tasty treat for both kids and adults alike.


Let us not forget that every snack needs a great beverage to complement it and a suggestion would be a tall cold glass of Mauby. Mauby is made from the bark of a small shrubby tree. Its syrup is sold in supermarkets throughout Barbados. A little of its syrup and a lot of water gives you an instant beverage. You may vary the amount of syrup and or water depending on your taste. Hope you enjoy it and here is part of the lyrics of a popular calypso song written by one of Barbados’ own, depicting the local delicacy.


"Fish cakes and bakes every Bajan does make, but when it is time to celebrate its soca fish cakes and bakes".




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