Herbal Wonders of BarbadosHave you ever stopped and wondered what life must have been like for our forefathers? The simplicity must have been indeed somewhat profound. No high amounts of toxins, just about everything in its purest form. Somewhere along the way, we became distracted and allowed the penetration of certain foods and medicines into the system that were not naturally created. By so doing, all sorts of complications arose and we are now seeing a world with quick and easy foods that are stripped of their nutritional values and replaced with all kinds of preservatives and additives. We're even seeing a world with medicine that has high amounts of side effects that can sometimes make you wonder if it's even worth it to pop so many pills that may possibly create another problem. More and more we are cautioned as to the dangers of processed foods. The cancer causing agents, the obesity factors and the risk of heart disease. As mentioned in one of our articles on Alternative Medicine, with the lives of Barbadians becoming increasingly hectic with not enough time in any given day and persons becoming prone to all sorts of life-threatening dis-eases such as cancer and degenerative illnesses such as exhaustion, it is no wonder we are aggressively searching for alternative answers. In this case, healing wonders of Barbados. The island Barbados is home to many plants that are bursting with healing properties anxiously awaiting our connection to them. Many of the plants found on the island include but are by no means limited to Aloes, Bay leaf, Blue Vervain, Cerasee Bush, Christmas Bush, Cure-for-all, Lemon Grass, Prickly Pear and Soursop Leaves.