Holiday ActivitiesAs you might have seen in our events section of the Barbados Pocket Guide, the island of Barbados has endless events to keep you busy. As you can well imagine, it is no different under this section of the website. The only thing that changes here is the nature of the actual event but in this case, the nature of the actual holiday activities. Resting comfortably on the eastern side of the Caribbean, one can find the island of Barbados. Known by many for its miles and miles of beautiful and unspoiled white-sand beaches, Barbados has been able to keep the loyalty of many Barbadians and capture the hearts of many visitors. The people, the food, the history, the enviable weather, the culture and the very fields and hills we call our own are all part of the reason why Barbados has become such a haven. Being a part of the Caribbean islands, throws us directly into that category that deems us as being easygoing. However, amidst this easy-going culture that seems to surround the island, Barbados has quite a setting that speaks to the tune of activities. No matter where you go on the island, you will find our unique blend of holiday activities that awaits you. Barbados' geographical location lends well to holiday activities such as sun-bathing, snorkelling and diving in our crystal clear, calm waters on the West Coast, windsurfing on our choppy South Coast waters or surfing at the Soup Bowl in Bathsheba on the East Coast. Temporarily moving away from the many choices associated with the beaches in Barbados, one can further open options that will only lead to a hive of holiday activities and possibly a mass of confusion as to where to begin. Restaurants are a fine choice after your beach activities to grab a bite in a casual dining or fine dining setting. There are many choices of restaurants in Barbados that offer both local and international cuisine with other choices of Atlantic and Caribbean sea food. When not in the mood to get dressed up while in Barbados, there is still the option of sitting in a rum shop where you can get down to some real basic Bajan food like cheese cutters, ham cutters, egg cutters, soft drinks and the obvious alcohol. Conversations in this kind of environment are usually quite relaxing but be cautioned as they can often be followed and mixed with numerous expletives. Barbados is particularly known for its golfing activities with popular courses being that of the Royal Westmoreland and Sandy Lane. As you can see, planning your ideal holiday activity is as easy as your initial decision to come to Barbados. Whatever your choice of activity, be it attending a festival, going to a movie or taking a trip to explore the island's history and culture by way of the plantation houses still very much with us, be rest assured that the only thing you will want to do... is more. |