Graeme Hall Nature SanctuaryAs of the launch of this website, Graeme Hall Sanctuary was still closed to the general public after officially closing its doors in late 2008. This closure was as a result of a rather unfortunate turn of events that took place between the Sanctuary and the Government of Barbados. In essence, the Government of Barbados has control and ownership of the sluice gate that regulates the flow of water in and out of the Sanctuary's wetlands. When in full and effective operation, the sluice allows brackish water (a mixture of salt and sea water) into the swamp that in turn provides the necessary nourishment for the plants, fish and birds to prosper.
When the sluice gate is not operating effectively, this causes major concerns for the Sanctuary as the death of the mangrove wetlands occur along with many plants, fish and birds that call Graeme Hall Sanctuary, home.
About the SanctuaryThe Graeme Hall Sanctuary is located on Worthing Main Road in the southern parish of Christ Church on the island of Barbados. The word Sanctuary is quite a fitting name as it is indeed a place of peace that is the home to many species of birds, fish, plants and trees.
On entering the Sanctuary, one can't help but be easily distracted and put in awe by the immaculately kept acres of forests, ponds, lakes and waterfalls that grace the grounds around this space that was once described as "one of the last significant wildlife habitats on Barbados". The feeling of peace and tranquility pervades the air but only gets more intense as you walk deeper into the sanctuary and become exposed to the many sights and sounds that abound.
For those who are passionate about bird watching in Barbados,
Sign posts and signs are all over the grounds of Graeme Hall Sanctuary that point to the names of specific birds, fish or plants. As you can tell, directions and information are not a scarcity at the Sanctuary.
One Day EventSaturday, January 29th, 2011 was quite a significant day for locals and visitors of Barbados as they were given an opportunity to see the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary after it has been closed for just over two (2) years.
Considered one of the finest examples of Barbados' natural heritage, this thirty-five (35) acre Sanctuary forms part of the eighty-one (81) acre RAMSAR wetland which was approved under the International Convention on Wetlands.
For more information on the closure of Barbados' Graeme Hall Sanctuary, click here.