Animal Flower CaveCenturies ago, back in 1780, two (2) foreign explorers came upon something special, the likes of which have never been found on any other part of the island. The Animal Flower Cave is located at North Point, in the parish of St. Lucy, Barbados and is located underground below the cliff face and is the only accessible sea cove in Barbados. Interested in trivia?? Well the coral floor of the Cave is estimated to be some five hundred thousand (500,000) years old and some level of credence can be given to this information as the dating of these elements was undertaken by a German Geographical Institute. In addition, this cave, which was previously below sea level, now stands at some six (6) ft above the high tide mark and therefore it is apparent that some geographical shifts and changes are taking place over time. Factually, the island of Barbados has been rising an inch every 1000 years. Just think about that…
Any swimming can be done in a separate section or chamber of the Animal Flower Cave. The water is completely clear and still and appears much more shallow than it actually is, so do be mindful of this. The Animal Flower Cave is open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and each trek takes approximately twenty (20) minutes. A bar and restaurant have been on the site since 1961, however never fear… upgrades to the entire property have taken place in the past five (5) years at least. The contact number for the Animal Flower Cave is (246) 439-8797. Things are definitely special in Barbados!!!