The Church of Christ the King

The Church of Christ the King is the newest of the Anglican Church in the diocese of Barbados. This church was conceived of and built thanks to the initial efforts of Canon Ullyett. This church was initially conceptualized as a new Chapel of Ease for the St. Stephen’s Anglican Church located quite a distance downhill in Black Rock in the parish of St. Michael. This was prompted in large measure by the large population of elderly members currently attending the St. Stephen’s church who resided in the eastern part of the parish of St. Michael.


After extensive studies were undertaken to determine the real need for this new church the funds and the land needed to be acquired; Canon Ullyett saw over the purchase of two acres of land at Rock Dundo, in St. Michael for the construction of this new church.  The land was obtained at a cost of thirty five thousand Barbados dollars ($35000.00).  


The idea for this church languished for almost a decade but after the arrival of Barbados’ eleventh Bishop, Drexel Gomez, in 1972 the idea was again revitalized. Bishop Gomez signaled the start of the construction for this church by symbolically, turning over the soil on April 29th, 1973. The building began in earnest in February, 1974.  In May of that same year the church was dedicated to Christ the King with the first service taking place on May 26th, 1974. The Church of Christ the King cost a total of forty five thousand Barbados dollars ($45000.00) to complete.


This church was built to serve about one hundred and fifty persons but the congregation soon outgrew the church’s seating capacity but this was rectified somewhat in 1980 when the balcony was erected to provide seating for an additional fifty persons. The congregation soon outgrew this addition as well and on November 22nd, 1993 Barbados’ twelfth bishop, the Bishop Rufus Broome laid the cornerstone. Almost one year later the church was completed and on November 21st, the church building was dedicated and consecrated.


It must be noted here that the dedicated congregation of The Church of Christ the King actually bore the cost of expanding their church making them the only church within the Anglican Diocese to ‘build their own church’. This church indeed represents the modern era in which it was built and as such bears no resemblance to any of the traditional Anglican churches on the island of Barbados. This in itself would make this unique church worth a visit the next time you happen to be in the area.



Sundays  -  8:00 a.m.
Sunday School  - 10:30 am (Except 4th Sunday)


Contact Information

Telephone (office)  - 
(246) 424-2446
Residence  - (246) 425-5002

