Crop Over Cavalcades

Barbados' Crop Over festival is usually chockablock with activities. It comes as no surprise that as early as May and up until June, these Crop Over cavalcades set stage in every parish on the island of Barbados so that eagerly awaiting calypso lovers, can get a taste of what is in store for the remainder of the Crop Over Season.


The Barbados Crop Over Cavalcades have taken off so successfully that it is now seen as a place where new arrivals to the calypso stage eagerly come out in the hope that what they have to offer will sit well with the crowd at hand.


As per any other event or festival that takes place on the island of Barbados, finding food and drinks is not a problem. Barbados' Crop Over Cavalcades are brimming with Bajan food and drinks that will certainly expose visitors to the taditional way of good ole Bajan cooking.

