Asia ExpressThe Grantley Adams International Airport of Barbados (GAIA) is a relatively new structure and on a daily basis, thousands of people from all nations and walks of life pass through this airport. As such, any or all of these persons would require refreshments at some point during the day and consequently there are options on both the inside and outside of the departure lounge.
As its name suggests, Asia Express would lend to the international flair and offering of at Barbados' only airport. Open for business from 10:30 a.m., this timing seeks to meet the needs both of the local staff at the airport to give them increased options as schedules give way to break and lunch. In addition, it serves to present a viable and exciting option for the numerous local, Caribbean and extra-regional passengers who use GAIA as a… thoroughfare.
In case you are not aware, there is an affiliated food stop at the airport, which is called "Cream". Their focus is on breakfast items and they have limited opening hours, starting at 5:30 a.m. in line with their offer.
In terms of presentation and speed of service at Asia Express, buffet is the order of the day. To ensure that the travelling public does not become dulled by a repetitive and mundane menu, the mix of the flavours of Barbados and Asia are deliberately intertwined and the menu is rotated and revisited periodically.
The fare includes sweet and sour dishes of chicken and pork. The local dish cou-cou and flying fish (a corn meal dish), the combination of which is referenced as the national dish of Barbados, is offered from time to time at Asia Express. Unfortunately, it cannot be promised that you will get it every day, so do remember to try it if it is there when you pass through the airport. As chicken is one of the more popular choices, several variations are offered, namely barbecued, fried, baked or stewed, though not necessarily all at the same time. To be truly representative of its Caribbean heritage, on occasion the restaurant includes a tasty cow-heel soup and all these little surprises make eating at any location in Barbados a special treat.
For those with a taste for sweet delicacies, items such as sweet bread and cheesecake are on sale. Remember to ask for that drink to complement your meal, be it bottled water, orange juice or soda pop. It would be advised to sit comfortably and have your drink in the open seating area designated for all the cafes and restaurants. Emphasis is placed on the drink as there continue to be restrictions as to the types and volume of liquids which can be taken on board your flight when leaving the Barbados airport. In fact, this is true at any of the international airports worldwide.
Should you be on the way to the airport and want to find out what they are serving ahead of time, call (246) 428-6540 where a friendly representative will be able to give you sufficient detail to whet your appetite before you get there. Do enjoy!