LadybirdsLadybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) are members of the beetle family. Commonly also known as ladybugs, the only association they have with birds is the fact that they can fly. Other than that, they are in no way related to the bird family but rather, the beetle family.
Ladybirds in Barbados are usually bright red with small black spots on their wing covers. The front areas of their wings are hard and act as covers for both the delicate back part of the wings and abdomen when not in flight. They tend to feed on very small insects such as aphids. Which is quite beneficial to farmers.
Female ladybirds lay pale yellow eggs in groups of approximately 10 - 50 on leaves.
When under threat, ladybugs are known to target certain mammals and insects by spraying a venomous toxin.
Though ladybirds are still very much a part of our island, they are not as prevalent as before. It is believed that this reduction is as a result of the aggressive introduction of pesticides to the island.
There is a myth in Barbados that when a ladybird lands on something you own, it is a good sign as it will be replaced with something new. E.g. if you have an old shirt on the line and a ladybird lands on it, you will somehow get a new one.
Children on the island always get fascinated when they see ladybirds. They would usually throw them in the air and try to catch them should they pass their way again.