Secondary Level Education in Barbados (Government)Secondary level education in Government schools in Barbados is simply a step up from that of Primary level education. It is at this further developmental stage that secondary school students are steered towards securing the necessary understanding, competencies and attitudes geared towards functioning at an ultimate level in the workplace. It is also at this point that indepth aspects of the school curriculum are looked at as well so as to sharpen and heighten the levels of understanding throughout the course of any given subject.
In Barbados, there is a mixture of Government secondary schools and Government-assisted secondary schools. Twenty-three (23) Government Secondary Schools exist in Barbados to date. Twenty-one (21) of thees schools are co-educational with the exception of Springer Memorial Secondary School and The St. Leonards Boys' School which are the only single sex schools in Barbados.
In Barbados a Board of Management which is responsible for the implementation of the Ministry's policies, manages each secondary school on the island. The Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development has general oversight of the supervision, management and delivery of the curriculum at all secondary schools.
Each Board consists of a chairman and eight members, two of whom are nominated by the school's parent-teacher association and the Congress of Trade Union and Staff Associations of Barbados. The Chief Education Officer nominates a representative to sit on each Board.