Department of Emergency Management (DEM)The Department of Emergency Management is the government department responsible for the development and implementation of the Emergency Management Programme in Barbados. It has the responsibility for coordinating emergency management activities in Barbados.
About DEMThe Department of Emergency Management is the government department responsible for the development and implementation of the Emergency Management Programme in Barbados. It has the responsibility for coordinating emergency management activities in Barbados.
The Department came into being on April 1, 2007 by the statutory legislation of the Emergency Management Act 2006. It replaces the Central Emergency Relief Organisation Secretariat which dated back to the 1940's when an organization for Hurricane Relief was formed under the authority and direction of the Governor and members of the Executive Committee, as was the then Colonial System of Government. At that time the main emphasis was on relief.
DEM today is developing and implementing a national Comprehensive Disaster Management programme which embodies the concept of all hazards: natural and man-made at all phases of the Disaster Continuum: Prevention and Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery as well as integration of disaster risk reduction.
It utilizes the integrated emergency management approach, which is necessary if it is to effectively and efficiently accomplish its mission through the identification and mobilisation of all appropriate resources and detailed planning for the possible impact of any hazard.
Disaster ManagementThe role of DEM in Barbados is not seen simply as that of rendering "salvation after the storm"; but rather to encourage, equip and accustom the people in all walks of life to work together for their own preservation. Their role is one of activating the community to be prepared to deal with any type of disaster.
The National Emergency Management SystemThe National Emergency Management System is the overarching mechanism which facilitates emergency management. It not only consists of the Department Of Emergency Management which is responsible for the coordination of stakeholders and activities but the following groupings: • Emergency Management Advisory Council
Emergency Management Advisory CommitteeThe National Emergency Management System is comprised of representatives of the National Disaster Committee which is called the Emergency Management Advisory Council (EMAC) whose membership comprises of representatives of the Emergency Services, key government ministries and departments, the Private Sector, Non Governmental Organisations NGOs, Community Based Organisations CBOs and international and regional emergency management organizations.
Under the EMAC there are fifteen (15) sub committees called standing committees which are organised along Emergency Response Functions such as Shelter, Evacuation, Mass Feeding, Emergency Telecommunications, and Public Utilities amongst others.
Emergency Management Standing CommitteesThe Standing Committees are chaired by selected members of the Emergency Management Advisory Committee. These Chairpersons are all Technical Heads of Government agencies which have responsibility for the execution of national disaster management policy and programmes in their respective areas of expertise. The Committees include: Public Information (PIEC)
District Emergency Organisations (DEOs)The District Emergency Organisation in Barbados operates as the volunteer arm of the Department of Emergency Management, the agency responsible for the National Emergency Management System. The role of the DEO’s is to organize and coordinate the resources of the community so as to allow for an effective response in time of crisis. The DEOs are operated by volunteers and the membership is drawn from the communities which they are intended to serve. Currently there are thirty (30) DEOs strategically placed across the island.
Click here for further information on the Department of Emergency Management (DEM) in Barbados can be sourced at or via the following contact information:- 30 Warrens Industrial Park, Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados. Telephone (246) 438-7575, Fax: (246) 421-8612 or Email: