OistinsAccording to Richard Ligon (one of Barbados' first historians), the name Oistins came about as a result of a wild, mad drunken fellow, whose lewd and extravagant carriage made him infamous on the island; and his Plantation standing near this Bay, it was called by his name. Hence the name Oistins being a corruption of 'Austin's'. Oistins is located on the southcoast of Barbados and operates primarily as a fishing village and a place renowned for its Friday night limes. In previous times, Oistins housed the former Christ Church Hospital, the former Barbados Coast Guard station and the offshore landing for ships delivering fossil fuel into Barabdos. Oistins is considered the fourth town of Barbados. Friday nights at Oistins has become a tradition on the island of Barbados. Tourists and locals alike gather here to sample some of the best fish the island has to offer, along with local craft and loud infectious music. A night that serves up the much sought after fried fish, chips, rice, Barbados's national dish coucou, macaronie pie and a range of salads to choose from. Oistins Fish FestivalThis major fishing port on the island of Barbados has a fish market and jetty and is home to the annual Oistins Fish Festival which is held around the time of Easter. The sole purpose of this festival is to celebrate the contribution made to Barbados by those involved in the local fishing industry in Barbados. Locals and visitors alike frequent the Oistins Fish Festival where they take in all the many crafts, the endless food and the limitless fun and entertainment. The Oistins Fish Festival is a time when the creative talents of local craftsmen come out in full force as they use this as an opportunity to showcase their talents.