Home and Garden ToursA visit to any island or country might be considered incomplete if little or no provision is made to explore what that place has to offer. The tropical island of Barbados is full of many surprises and due to its rich heritage of sugar production plus its natural qualities, it has a wide variety of interesting places to visit.
One of the areas which has been gaining appeal for both visitors and locals is the Home and Garden Tours. Now there are several ways to get a view of some of these gems in paradise.
Firstly, if you are driving through any residential developments, you can take a sneak peek of some of the gardens which are maintained by their owners. Secondly, there are public gardens, which have been specifically designed and developed for the enjoyment of the public. These include Andromeda Gardens in the parish of St. Joseph and the Flower Forest in the same parish: both located in the country-side of Barbados. Orchid World in St. George is yet another delight. Among the natural fields, this oasis of colourful beauty affords the visitor an opportunity to be consumed by the thousands of orchids in various stages of bloom.
The opportunity for which many home and garden enthusiasts mark their calendars are the official tours coordinated and facilitated by the Barbados National Trust. On an annual basis during the months of January - March, a number of private homes are open to the public for a limited period on specific afternoons from 2-6pm. A small admission fee is charged for this privileged access.
The Barbados Horticultural Society also hosts a series of Open Gardens and they can be contacted directly for information.
Home and Garden Tours are definite options while vacationing in Barbados.