BathshebaOn the rugged, exciting east coast of Barbados in the parish of St. Joseph is a fishing village referred to as Bathsheba, which is as enticing to the eye as the lady of the same name in the familiar Bible story. There is something appealing about this venue with its natural beauty and despite the turbulent seas on this side of the Atlantic, there are gentle pools which can be found that are suitable for swimming. What utter balance in nature!
There are long stretches of sand and a striking coastline which appeals to most as this part of the island is popular with locals and visitors alike. The large boulders dotting the waters' edge are actually bits of coral reef which disintegrated over time and left these imposing structures as standalone rock formations to be admired and appreciated.
Bathsheba has a life of its own. In the general area, churches, guest houses, restaurants and rum shops are a part of the cultural landscape of this St. Joseph village. Despite these "modern" interventions, Bathsheba provides a relaxing change to the bustle and congestion of the remainder of the island of Barbados. For many, especially locals, a trip to Bathsheba is like a retreat, used to rejuvenate and refresh before going back to the city.
One additional attraction for which Bathsheba is famous and which has boosted Barbados as a sports destination is the art of surfing. The waves on this coastline are the delight of these water daredevils and it has hosted many a Bathsheba Soup Bowl surfing competition, which attracts competitors from all over the world.