Celtic FestivalThe Celtic Festival is a week-long festival of culture, food, music and sport held on the tropical island of Barbados with a focus of creating vital links between Barbados and Celtic countries. This musical spectacular takes place every year in the last two weeks of May and sees the marrying of exciting foods and sporting activities that will certainly give you a good taste of how true Celts celebrate.
On show at this festival are hundreds of Scottish and Irish tourists who find themselves bouncing to the sounds of bagpipes, Welsh choral voices, Irish dancers and reggae. Not to mention, enjoying the very culture of Barbados.
As part of the celebrations, an Island Safari is planned where locals and visitors can go out and see the beauty of Barbados' countryside.
It has been said that at this time of year, Barbados is treated to the best in Celtic culture but without the rain.
Further information on the Celtic Festival can be sourced at http://www.celticfestivalbarbados.com/.