CohobblopotThe sight alone when one walks into the venue of Cohobblopot is one that kicks off the excitement of that particular event. Held the very night before the Grand Kadooment jump up that takes place on the streets of Barbados, Cohobblopot is in itself almost another festival within the Crop Over calendar.
The term Cohobblopot is Bajan for a brew of things. In the initial stages of Cohobblopot's existence, a brew of Barbados' best artistes from every spectrum of the performing arts got involved in the festival.
The festival is on fire with thousands of patrons who come out to see the many colourfully decorated costumes that parade on stage. Performers from not just Barbados but the Caribbean, set the stage ablaze with the many tunes that can't wait to be heard by the eagerly awaiting patrons. This is also a great opportunity to hear some of Barbados' most popular Crop Over tunes that may very well be heard on the road on the way to Spring Garden.