Kiddies KadoomentGrand Kadooment is the highlight of Barbados' Crop Over Festival as this is where revelers in some of the most colourful and creative costumes take to the streets and brave any weather condition that presents itself on the island on that day. This 'adult version' is eagerly anticipated as this is a time when all the unwinding takes place.
Not to be left out of the colourful and creative costumes and unwinding aspect of Barbados' Crop Over Festival, are the children as they too get their chance to hit the streets in grand style. These little ones get to boldly parade before judges as they decorate the stage with their costumes and various dances.
Parents are always on hand lending every ounce of support possible so as to reassure and encourage these little ones. Needless to say, Kiddies Kadooment in Barbados is certainly a family event.