Grand KadoomentThe Crop-over activity formally ends on the first Monday in August with a grand street party, officially labeled as Grand Kadooment. From early morning until the last band reaches the Spring Garden Highway, calypso music blares and thousands of costumed bodies parade through the streets.
While some of Barbados' most talented costume designers focus on going home with the Designer of the Year prize, revelers are more focused on the party atmosphere that surrounds them. So much so, that it is an absolute norm to see bits and pieces of costumes missing as revelers will make themselves comfortable while on the streets and pass the judges.
Once the bands reach Spring Garden, considered to be the end of the road, the partying literally begins. You would think that after so much jumping, drinking, hot weather conditions and dancing, revelers would be absolutely exhausted. On the contrary, there seems to be a renewed energy that takes place once on Spring Garden as here is where the good Bajan food and drinks continue along with the music and dancing all over this stretch of highway. Those who can't take anymore of the heated conditions, simply throw themselves in the cool, calm awaiting waters at Brandons beach.
Grand Kadooment Day is a public holiday in Barbados and one can find the streets on route to Spring Garden lined with spectators taking photographs and having a 'nice' time with friends and family. This day brings Barbados' Crop Season to an end.