Cheapside MarketAmidst the hustle and bustle that exists in Barbados' capital city Bridgetown, one is sure to find a market place where vendors come out as early as 6:00 in the morning to showcase their produce. Such a place carries the name of Cheapside market and it is located next door to Barbados' main post office, The General Post Office. Barbados' infrastructure includes communications by sea, air or telephone and the Post Office service provides several forms of this communication with the primary one being mail delivery to the network of over 90, 000 households on the island.
Cheapside market is the place to be when in Bridgetown and in search of ground provisions such as sweet potatoes, yams, eddos, breadfruits, green bananas and cassavas, to name a few. Vegetables such as okras, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions are but a few from the wide selection available. Not to be forgotten in any way, is the sweet smell of herbs, seasonings and fruits that pervade the air with their lovely aromas.
Food is not the only order of the day at Cheapside market as jewellery, clothes, souvenirs, leather belts and shoes form part of the merchandise at this market place.
Saturday mornings in Barbados is usually when most people flock to Cheapside market as here is where you can get your fruits, vegetables and other items at very reasonable prices. Despite these very competitive prices, most vendors would still allow some measure of leniency when it comes to price adjustments to ensure a sale or two. Not to worry as vendors in this market place are very friendly and cooperative. So much so, that even if they don't have what you are looking for, they will eagerly point you in the direction of someone who could more than likely assist you.