International AgenciesSeveral international agencies can be accessed right here in Barbados. They include The World Health Organization (WHO), The Inter American Development Bank (IADB), The Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) and The Caribbean Regional Negotiation Machinery (CRNM). Many of these international agencies facilitate business opportunities within the host country along with providing relevant information about the local tax laws and other legal requirements. Many of these agencies also provide access to development funding to facilitate new business development. Additionally, there are several United Nations offices located at UN House in Marine Gardens, Hastings in Christ Church. The UN offices represented here in Barbados include… • United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) • United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) • The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) • The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) • The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) These offices manage the UN projects here in Barbados as well as in the Eastern Caribbean. Access to these international agencies allows Barbados to remain up to date with international issues and also permits us to do our part in the contribution to the responsible development of our little island and the rest of the region and dare I say the rest of the world.