Communication ServicesThe Communication Services market in Barbados is as diverse and functional as in any other part of the world. We have quite a reputation for dependable telephone, internet, television and radio services throughout the region and the wider world. Currently Barbados has two functioning cellular services providers, they are Digicel and LIME (Formerly Cable and Wireless), with LIME solely responsible for the provision of the landline service on the island. In relation to internet LIME is still one of the main providers offering both dial-up and ADSL connections. Additionally if you prefer you can also stay connected by using the 'pay-as-you-go' type service of Freemotion which utilizes a card system to allow you use internet service for a specified time. On the island right now we have one local television station and two television cable service providers, MCTV offered by Barbados' lone television station and DirectTv offered by Starcom Network Inc. Both provide television programming for the Latin American and Caribbean Markets. As far as entertainment goes the island also boasts several radio stations which cater to the wide and varied interests of the Barbadian population. You will find stations dedicated to talk radio, calypso music (especially in the summer as we get ready for Crop Over), pop music, religious programming, easy listening and so on. And this is all in addition to the many internet radio stations that can be accessed right from your computer, smart phone or almost any mobile device. The range of communication services available in Barbados allows you to always keep in contact, whether it is just around the corner or across the world. Once you are here you will be entertained, connected and informed; how much or how little, is entirely up to you.