DistillersBarbados has been a rum producing country for well over three hundred and fifty years. In fact, Barbados’ rum is often revered as the finest, strongest and smoothest rum in the world. So much so that the word 'rum' was actually coined right here on this little island of Barbados, though many people still dispute the exact circumstances under which it came about.
Distillers across Barbados include:- • FourSquare Rum Factory and Heritage Park
Nonetheless rum has been a staple in Barbados for many years and one of Barbados' signature spirits, Mount Gay Rum, is the oldest rum brand in existence. It was being distilled here on the island of Barbados since 1703 even though many experts believe that rum was being distilled here on the island from about 1663. Mount Gay Distilleries is one of the oldest and most respected distilleries in the world and as such its main brand of rum, Mount Gay, is constantly used interchangeably here on the island with rum itself.
As a clear tribute to this aged industry, Barbados has over fifteen hundred rum shops dotted around this one hundred and sixty seven square mile island of ours. That is an amazing five times more than the many churches we have here on the island. Without intending to be blasphemous, one might even surmise that 'Rum Making and Rum Drinking' could almost be seen as a religion in Barbados.
Barbados has three major rum distilleries and they are…
The legendary rum distilleries on the island of Barbados provide rum connoisseurs on the island and indeed all around the world with the best alcoholic spirits ever created. So once you are on the island it will indeed be worth your while to take one of the many guided tours where you will be literally intoxicated by the fascinating process of rum making which has been a well practiced tradition here in Barbados for centuries.