St. Winifred's SchoolThe St. Winifred's School in Barbados is of Anglican foundation but accepts pupils of all denominations. It is divided into three Houses that represent its founding teachers - Seale, Ince and Burton.
The School's property is vested in three Trustees and is managed by a Committee of Management comprised of local businessmen, past-pupils, members of the St. Winifred's School's Association (SWSA) and the Headmistress.
The SWSA is made up of past-pupils, parents, teachers and friends. Its main objectives are to assist the Committee of Management of the school in promoting the interest of past-pupils, friends and parents, and to raise funds for the purpose of contributing to the maintenance, upkeep and improvement of the school. It performs the function of a PTA for the school.
St. Winifred's School is one of the few private schools in Barbados offering both primary and secondary education.
The school day consists of seven (and for some eight) lessons under the guidance of a qualified and motivated teaching staff. The school tries to maintain a balanced curriculum and there is no streaming of students. St. Winifred's accepts girls aged four to seventeen, and boys from four to eleven years old. However, in September 2008 the school has accepted boys to its senior department. The school now offers two streams of students in all three departments (preps, Juniors & Seniors) and has facilities for approximately six hundred pupils.
It was named Saint Winifred’s School for several reasons:
The CurriculumThe school offers a wide range of subjects both in the Primary and Senior departments. The following subjects are taught in the Senior department.
Extra Curriculum ActivitiesTennis, Cricket, Football, Netball, Volleyball, Ballet Karate, Cubs, Brownies, Chess Club, Hand Bells
Objectives of the Alumini
Past students, parents, teachers and friends of the school are all welcomed as Members of the Association. All members are confirmed by the Association’s Board, entitled to attend all General Meetings of the Association, to be elected to any office and to speak and vote on any matter at any meeting.
Click here for further information on St. Winifred's School in Barbados.