Charitable OrganizationsCharitable organisations can be operated privately or publicly. The basis of which can be hinged on education, religion, healthcare, sporting events or other public-related interests that are set up to receive financial support from philantrophic bodies.
The legal structure of the charity is very much based on the location as this may vary in accordance with the region in which the charity operates.
Depending upon the location of the charity, the legal definition of what constitutes a charitable organization may vary according to its country of origin. Therefore, the tax implications for a charity will also depend upon the region or country in which the charitable organization operates.
Charitable Organizations in BarbadosBarbados Cancer Society
C A R E Barbados
Cancer Support Services
Community Tourism Foundation
Daughters Int'l
Hope For Children
Hope Foundation
Myeloma Lymphoma & Leukamia Foundation of Barbados
Precious Touch Foundation Inc
Prison Fellowship of Barbados
Variety The Children's Charity