Body BuildingThe Barbados Amateur Body Building and Fitness Federation's mission is to enrich the lives of Barbadians through the use of the sport. They have introduced new categories in the competitions such as Bikini Fitness and Men's Physique over the years as to assist in reviving the sport. Another integral aspect of these competitions is to showcase the kind of body-building talent Barbados has to offer and in turn attract foreign exchange to the economy. National Bodybuilding and Fitness ChampionshipsThere are smaller shows throughout the year, however Nationals is a major show where both male and female contestants participate in the disciplines of bodybuilding, bikini fitness, mens' physique, body fitness, men's fitness and fitness and is usually held in the month of August. National Sports Council Mr. School Boy Body Building and Miss Body Fitness ChampionshipsThis competition was held in front an eagerly awaiting audience that saw some of Barbados' young and fit bodies somersault, split and crab back across the floor. What a wonderful way to keep the young people of Barbados focussed on their health and well-being.