Sports Tourism in BarbadosIn 1987, the Government of Barbados had two (2) main objectives with regards to sporting facilities on the island. There were to one (1) further develop sports on the island in an effort to boost the performance of Barbados' athletes in the regional and international arenas. The second (2nd) objective was to strengthen the sports tourism concept which had helped to reduce seasonality in the tourism sector, sustain development over the traditionally slow summer months and boost tourist earnings. This objective forged the merger of two (2) of Barbados' key governmental organisations, the National Sports Council and the Barbados Tourism Authority. Such a merger augured well with regards to future developments in the way of sports tourism on the island. Barbados has long been sought after for its sun, sea and sand therefore making it quite a destination for potential travelers. Easily considered a paradise for those who wish to come and participate in their chosen sports, the island had seen an increase in visitors with respect to such activities. The massive refurbishment programmes that have taken place in Barbados with some of the key sporting facilities, has certainly done well in positioning Barbados as a favourable place when it comes to the topic of Sports Tourism.