CustomsYou are allowed to enter the island of Barbados without being subject to payment of Duty on personal effects such as your baggage containing apparel, accessories, cosmetics and other personal use items which may be required during your visit. Also exempt from Duty is a maximum of 1 litre of alcohol per person.
The importation of illegal drugs or pornographic material into Barbados is subject to penalty and/or prosecution.
The importation of certain commodities into Barbados is controlled or prohibited to protect the population and to maintain animal and plant life. Importation of fresh fruits from certain countries are prohibited to prevent spread of pests and disease.
On arrival in Barbados all fruits, vegetables plants, cuttings and seeds must be listed on the Customs Entry form as 'items to be declared' and be made available for inspection by a Plant Quarantine Officer. Controlled items may be released after inspection or confiscated until the necessary requirements are met. Customs will issue you with a receipt for any items they confiscate.
Certain controlled items may require an import permit or a photo sanitary certificate, it is the course of wisdom to arrange to meet these requirements before arrival in Barbados.
Please contact the Plant Quarantine Office at the Ministry of Agriculture for further information:
Plant Quarantine
Duty Free AllowancesMake a stop at any of the Duty Free Shops in Barbados and you will not be disappointed ! Whether its Liquor and Tobacco,China and Crystal , Designer clothing and Accessories, or Perfumes and Jewelry you can save between 30 to 50% of the price that you would pay at home. All you need is your passport and airline ticket.
Arrangements can be made for Duty Free purchases to be delivered to the Airport or Seaport at your request.
Duty Free Allowances Vary Depending on the Country British Citizens are allowed Duty free allowance on 1 litre of alcohol, 60cc of perfume, purchases valued up to 145.00 British pounds.
Canadian Citizens are allowed Duty free allowances on 1.4 litres of wine or spirits, 288 oz beer purchases up to 300.00 Canadian dollars.
American Citizens are allowed duty free allowances on 1 litre of alcohol, articles totalling US$ 400.00.