St. Lawrence Gap TourAffectionately known as 'The Gap', St. Lawrence Gap is renowned for its nighttime activities, its many hotels and resorts, street vendors who sell meals on the go, convenience shops, supermarkets, bars, fine dining restaurants and history. Located on the southern coastline of Barbados, despite the hive of activities that engulf this stretch of street, it still remains home to a few Barbadian families. On entering St. Lawrence Gap, one can't help but be somewhat distracted by the busyness of the street itself in contradistinction to the white sand beaches and peaceful waters that grace the right hand side of the street. Perched atop a small cliff at the first corner you encounter as you enter, is a quaint little church that bears the name of its location. St. Lawrence Church was initially constructed in 1837 on a plot of land donated to the Barbadian diocese of the Anglican Church by Edward Grogan. The dimensions of the original church were said to be about fifty by twenty five feet and cost around five hundred pounds (£500.00) to build. The church was eventually consecrated by the Bishop William Hart Coleridge on 5th November, 1839. Most genres of music could be heard pouring from the different bars and clubs you should you visit St. Lawrence Gap at night, including reggae, calypso, alternative or pop and rap. Also to be checked out on your St. Lawrence Gap Tour, would be the many vendors that adorn the area. Here you can pick up souvenirs as reminders of your most memorable trip to Barbados. Should you need to make any financial transactions while in St. Lawrence Gap, there is also a banking facility in 'The Gap' as well. A tour into this stretch of street is definitely worth it day or night. |