South Coast TourThe south coast of Barbados is simply amazing. Not only will you encounter some of the most relaxing beaches on this side of the island but you will also quickly become wrapped up with the many attractions around. Where do we begin? It's just not as simple as starting at the top as all roads lead to some aspect of interests. Nevertheless, we will get on with the undertaking of directing you accordingly.
The science of flying and the mystery of the air and space navigation has long been a source of fascination for many. No aviation structure has intrigued the average human being more than the supersonic Concorde, when it was at its zenith and even after it ceased to operate. The island of Barbados gained additional prominence and prestige for being one of the few airports outside of Europe and North America into which the Concorde flew. It was no surprise therefore, that after some negotiation, Barbados was one of the only three (3) venues which was allowed to retain one of the jets for historical preservation. This was a major achievement for the island and the Government of Barbados has facilitated the creation of an innovative aviation museum dedicated to the mighty Concorde; the project crowned with the physical present of the Alpha-Echo, one of the actual jets. It was opened in April 2007.
Oistins is a fishing community and village located in the parish of Christ Church. Rich in historical value, the village of Oistins was the site of a major clash between the Royalist and Roundhead supporters way back in 1639. This was spurred by a bid for independence by Barbados from Cromwell's England, the mother country. On Fridays and Saturday evenings, Oistins comes alive with a completely different ambiance as there is a fish fry par excellence. Scores of vendors cater to their regulars as well as visitors, serving up plates of fish and provisions. Fishcakes, grilled or fried fish, tossed salad, breadfruit and coleslaw only skim the surface of the available fare. In terms of entertainment, there is normally karaoke and a corner with music where the ballroom enthusiasts can 3-step the night away. All this activity takes place around the general environs of the Fish Market, which by this time would have given away to the night time activity.
One of the few lighthouses which remain standing on the island of Barbados, the South Point Lighthouse is located in Atlantic Shores, Christ Church. Standing at some eighty-nine (89) feet, it is gaily painted with thick horizontal lines of red and white. South Point was the first lighthouse erected in Barbados. It was exhibited in London and then historical accounts have placed it in Barbados in 1852.
The history of the Chase vault located in the graveyard of the Christ Church Parish Church on the island of Barbados is one filled with mystery and intrigue, even though the consequential events have long ceased. The vault was built partially underground in 1724. It was not put to use immediately and remained "in waiting" until 1807. In the following year, 1808, a family by the name of Chase, came into possession of the vault, thus the current name. There were a wealthy and important family in Barbados and it was reputed that the head of the family, Thomas Chase was highly unpopular, perhaps even hated by many persons on the island. The Chase vault has a history of coffins mysteriously moving on their own and with no evidence or sign of other aggravated means, such as flooding or any other form of natural disaster. There being no reasonable explanation, the vault was totally abandoned and the coffins therein were re-located. To this day, the Chase Vault structure remains vacant at its current location. What a mystery!!
We're sure that while you are out and about, there's always that possibility you may want to 'pop in' to a store and grab something quickly and conveniently. Whether its cosmetics, toiletries, groceries, maps of Barbados, beach towels, souvenirs or toys to keep that little one occupied, you can pick them all up at any of the convenience stores in Barbados.
Being out on a south coast tour will naturally entail a desire for a meal. There is no end to the amount of places on the south coast to have lunch or dinner depending on the time you decide to set out. One such convenience store you can stop in at anytime is iMart. Located at Lanterns in Hastings and at Sheraton Mall in Christ Church, iMart provides the comfort and convenience of one-stop shopping and exceptional customer service.
Should the setting of the sun catch you on the road, you may want to consider eating out at one of the many fine dining restaurants available on this side of the island. A meal that incorporates the tropical flavours that exists on the island but also incorporates the extensive variety of international cuisine, all at its very best. Should we also mention that the ambience of the fine dining experience in Barbados is one that lends itself well to absolutely fabulous dining?
As you can well imagine, we have introduced you to a few of the many 'things to do' but feel free to fully explore the Barbados Pocket Guide for more information on a south coast tour.