Party VacationsThere are some holidays which are planned strictly for fun and frolic. If it is party and more party which you are looking for, the island of Barbados has so much to offer to meet this need.
In terms of cultural impact, the biggest party on the island takes place during the Crop-Over celebrations which is an annual celebration in recognition of the end of the sugar crop. For a period of six to eight weeks, Barbados comes ablaze with various events designed to appeal to a wide cross-section of the local and visiting communities. One such is a series of Crop-over Calvacades (roving parties) which set the pace for the season and showcase various calypsonians singing both past and new songs. There are a number of tents (musical concerts) based at a number of "home" locations. Each tent has its own set of performers and separate schedule which takes them right through to judging of the tents after which there is a short-list of persons going to the Semi-finals. After another round of eliminations, there is a massive Final where the participants pull out all the stops in order to win the calypso crown.
During the season, loads of parties or fetes are held, by the crop-over band leaders, private individuals and groups, with some even adventurous to plan a 24 hr fete. The Crop-over activity formally ends on the first Monday in August with a grand street party, officially labeled as Grand Kadooment. From early morning until the last band reaches the highway, calypso music blares and thousands of costumed bodies parade through the streets.
Apart from this heritage event, there are night clubs such as the Ship Inn, boat party cruises such as the Harbour Master and other festivals such as the now annual Reggae Festival which falls end April into May.
Is party and more party in Barbados!