Barbados Light & Power Company Ltd.Driving around Barbados, one would find it very difficult to believe that a time existed when there was no light on the island but a candle or oil lamp used for guidance. The island has certainly come a long way since those dark ages as the evidence is quite clear after sunset.
The efficiency of the service offered by the Barbados Light & Power is certainly one that Barbadians ought to be proud of. Such a significant service provider has seen great satisfaction in the eyes and hearts of all Barbadians who have over the years put their trust in the hands of the Barbados Light & Power.
Throughout the years, generations of employees have taken absolute pride and industry in the service they provide to the people of Barbados. Such an invaluable service has augured well in households being comfortable and business houses being more productive.
Brief History on the Barbados Light & PowerThe island of Barbados is renowned for the many centenarians that are honoured throughout the course of any given year. When a person reaches such a milestone, it truly is a mark of service and dedication to this life.
No different is the case with the Barbados Light & Power as 2011 marks 100 years of electricity service to the island of Babados.
The history of the Barbados Light & Power goes back to the year 1911, when the Barbados Electric Supply Corporation erected a power station at the Garrison, after receiving permission from the Government to supply electricity to persons residing within a five (5) mile radius of Barbados' capital city, Bridgetown.
June 17th of that same year saw Lady Probyn, the wife of the then Governor, flicking the switch that signalled the official opening of "the Works" at the Garrison. As a result, Barbados became the first territory in the Eastern Caribbean to have a centralized electricity service.
Ever since it's inception, the Barbados Light & Power has lived up to its slogan "We Are There" and that they most definitely have been.
EmeraAs of May 2010, Emera made its very first investment of 38% and a second one in January of 2011 of 41.43% in Light and Power Holdings, which is the parent company of the Barbados Light & Power Co. Such an investment meant tnat Emera would now be the majority shareholder in Light and Power Holdings.
The remaining one thousand and seven hundred (1,700) shares of Light and Power Holdings are held by Barbadian shareholders inclusive of the National Insurance Board of Barbados.