History of St. Gabriel's SchoolSt. Gabriel's in Barbados was founded in 1947 at the request of the then Anglican Bishop of Barbados, Bishop Ambrose Hughes. It was administered and mainly staffed by Sisters of the Convent of Jesus the Good Shepherd from England. The school was opened on October 1st with 28 students aged 4-8 and a staff of two sisters. School hours were 9a.m. to 12 noon!
The school expanded rapidly providing education from Receptions to O' levels. In the mid 1960's the Sisters handed over the responsibility of running St. Gabriel's to the Diocese of Barbados. Sadly the Secondary Department was closed in 1977... but since then creative and progressive-thinking educators have striven to develop a sound liberal PRIMARY education which is second to none in the island.
The Collymore Rock buildings were demolished and with the lease of land on our current site from the Diocese, the school moved to Henry's Lane in 1993.
CurriculumThe Infant DepartmentIn the early stages, great emphasis is placed on creative and practical activities leading to the formation of reading skills and number concepts.
Creative ActivitiesOpportunities for Art and Craft using many different media are provided. Often it is linked to topic work, which involves reading, writing, number work and sometimes science as well. Class visits to places of interest also may arise from a central theme. Music and Movement and Creative Writing are also important parts of the curriculum.
Physical EducationAll classes have gym lessons in addition to outdoor games activities. Sports Day is held in the Easter Term and is enjoyed by children and parents alike. Physical Education becomes more structured in the Junior Department. Rounders, soccer, basketball, cricket, table tennis, athletics and netball are included with coaches attached to the National Sports Council giving part of the instruction. The Top Infants and Junior Classes also attend swimming lessons once a week at the Aquatic Centre.
The Junior DepartmentTo meet the demands of the Secondary School Entrance Examination in Barbados, which pupils take in their final year at the school, greater emphasis is placed on academic subjects in the Junior Department. Mathematics, Grammar and Comprehension, as well as Reading and Creative Writing are taught. Nevertheless, our teachers are always in search of new ways to stimulate interest and to facilitate learning; Social Studies, Science, Art and Craft, Music and Speech and Drama are all included in the curriculum; There is a computer laboratory and teachers and students are developing skills in IT and are using the computers to make learning both challenging and exciting.
Learning SupportBoth infant and junior children enjoy the benefits of Remedial Teachers who give special attention to any children requiring learning support with Language Arts or Mathematics.
ReligionSt. Gabriel's is by tradition an Anglican School and enjoys the benefits of a school Chaplain, who conducts special services and prepares the older children for Confirmation, if desired.
Junior assembly is held three times a week and Infant assembly twice a week in the Chapel. Religious Education forms part of the Curriculum and the principles and practices of Christianity are upheld.
Children of many different religions attend the school and may, if their parents desire, be excused from both Assembly and Religious Education.
Extra Curricular ActivitiesKarate, Recorders, Drama, Art Workshop, Gymnastics, Chess Club, Football, Choir, Steel Pan, Table Tennis, Cubs, Cricket, Ballet.
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