Duty-Free ShoppingDuty free shopping in Barbados is simply being able to purchase items without the added importation tax that is levied on all luxury items brought into Barbados. Under the duty free arrangement, if these items are purchased by visitors to the island who will eventually be departing the island, then the importation tax will not be charged.
Barbados has several stores that offer duty free shopping which are located across the breadth of the island. Duty free shopping is available in the following stores…
even the stores found within some hotels provide this amenity. Some of these hotels include…
• The Crane Beach Hotel
Please be mindful that in order to be able to take advantage of this facility in Barbados, you must be in possession of your travel documents (Passports, airline or Cruise documents with a valid departure date) at the time of making your purchases.
It is important to note also that not all items are eligible for the duty free concession and some items like certain alcohol and cigarettes that can be purchased at duty free prices, have to be collected at the airport when you are leaving Barbados.
Also of note, items that can be bought at duty free prices have a price tag which clearly states the various prices for the item. The tag will display the local price (LP) in Barbados dollars, the duty free price (DF) in Barbados dollars and finally the duty free price (DF) in US dollars. Once you have made your purchase, a receipt will be printed in triplicate and you will receive two copies, one will be your personal copy and the other copy is to be deposited into the appropriate box located at the Grantley Adams International Airport when you leave.