ShoesAh! Shopping for shoes, something many girls find very appealing and though it might not be as much fun for the guys, I don’t think they would mind this adventure here in paradise.
Barbados has a wide variety of shoe stores and they are located right across the island in all if not most of the shopping areas around the island. Of course, here on the island we cater to every need and every budget. There are the large shoe store chains like Thani’s Shoe Shops, Super Style Shoe Shop, Sole two Sole and Mademoiselle and then you would also find the small one door stores where some specialize in designer shoes. These small stores also have an advantage because their inventory is small and you are therefore less likely to see too many people wearing your special shoe.
Many of the shoe stores are located within the Bridgetown area, Barbados’ capital city but you can also find quite a variety of large and small shops outside of the city limits; and this has it advantages like easy parking and less hassle and quite a slower pace than you would find in the city area.
Shoe stores in Barbados are indeed wide and varied but you are sure to find just what you want just be prepared to look.
Listed below are some of the shoe stores available on the island of Barbados:
This list is by no means complete but what would be the fun in that. Put on your comfy walking shoes and hit the pavement and on your search for that perfect shoe, enjoy all that beautiful Barbados has to offer.