Ackee TreeThe Ackee tree (Melicoccus bijugatus) is a large tree that can be found along roadsides on the island of Barbados. This tree bears an edible fruit that is covered in a green skin that is bitten into in order to expose the fruit. The seed of the fruit is surrounded by a pulp that has a jellylike consistency and is truly a delicacy in Barbados.
Ackees come into season in the summer months in Barbados and roadside vendors can be seen all over the island selling them to the many Barbadians who readily hold up traffic for brief moments to get a taste of this fruit.
DescriptionThe Ackee tree is a very large tree slow-growing tree that can grow to heights of 30 m. The tree has thick, smooth and gray bark with spreading branches. The compound leaves are briefly deciduous having 4 opposite, elliptic, sharp-pointed leaflets.
The fruit of the Ackee tree grows in bunches and is classified by its green outer skin that has a slight resemblance to that of the lime. One must note that the resemblance and any form of association ends here as the fruit of the Ackee tree can be easily biten into which is quite unlike the case with the lime. Not to mention, the fruit of the Ackee tree is a tangy, creamy fruit that has a light peach colour.
The flowers of the Ackee tree abound with nectar that is quite a hihg source for hummingbirds and honeybees.
The Ackee from the Ackee tree is cracked open with the mouth by way of a gentle bite.
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