Fat Pork TreeThe fat pork tree (Chrysobalanus icaco) in Barbados is a coastal species that commonly grows as single plants or thickets on dunes and rocky headlands. Although the species can survive a great deal of stress from storms, salt spray and flooding, it is low in stature, relatively intolerant of shade, and only persists where competing vegetation is short.
The mature fruits are ovoid or globular in shape with the thin skin varying from pinkish white to purple in colour. The white, cottony pulp of the large ribbed seed is relatively flavourless in taste but readily enjoyed by the children of Barbados. The skin of the fat pork can be removed and the actual fat pork placed in a container with sugar to be stewed and enjoyed.
Fat Porks are found mainly in gullies across Barbados. it is not generally seen in gardens like some other fruit trees.
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