Barbados Cherry TreeThe Barbados Cherry Tree (Malpighia emarginata) originates in the West Indies and Central and South America.
This tropical and sub-tropical tree can tolerate long periods of drought but will produce fruit again when the rains come in. It is important to prune the Barbados Cherry tree after the last set of fruit is borne as this augurs well for shaping and any avoidance of branches crowding.
DescriptionThe Barbados Cherry Tree is a large, bushy evergreen shrub or small tree with spreading branches on a short trunk. The leaves of the cherry tree have a narrow oval shape that taper to a point at both ends. The bright red fruit of the Barbados Cherry tree contains three (3) triangular, yellowish, leathery-coated, corrugated inedible stones with a pulp that is said to contain thirty-two (32) times the amount of Vitamin C that can be found in orange juice.
Health Benefits of Barbados CherryThe Barbados Cherry has many health benefits. A few of which are listed here.
The leaves of the Barbados Cherry tree can be used alone or with other leaves to create a most refreshing and healing herbal tea.
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Readers should consult the appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well being.
The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best information available to the writers. However, readers who fail to consult the appropriate health authorities automatically assume risk of any injuries. Barbados Pocket Guide is not in any way responsible for errors or omissions.