Breadfruit TreeThe Breadfruit tree (Artocarpus altilis) is native to the Pacific islands but widely planted elsewhere. The introduction of this tree to the West Indies was for the primary purpose of feeding slaves. However, the initial undertaking of such in the late 1780s was futile as a result of an uprising by the ship's crew who recognised a reduction in their water allowance being used towards wetting plants.
In 1792, Captain Bligh returned to Tahiti with potted breadfruit plants that were sent to the Botanic Gardens of St. Vincent and Jamaica. It was from this nursery that Barbados got its breadfruit plants.
DescriptionThe breadfruit tree is closely related to the breadnut tree that can also be found in Barbados. The fruit of the breadfruit tree is seedless while that of the breadnut tree is seeded. The breadfruit tree can grow to towering heights of up to 85ft and can easily produce more than two hundred (200) breadfruits per season. All parts of the trees produce a milky white substance called latex that is used for caulking boats. The large and thick leaves of the breadfruit tree are deeply cut into pinnate lobes.
Interestingly enough, male and female flowers grow on the same tree with the male flowers appearing first, soon to be followed by the female flowers which grow into a capitulum. These capitulum can easily pollinate in as little time as three (3) days.
The texture of this green, oval-sized, fruit is rough with each fruit divided into many achenes. Each achene is surrounded by a fleshy perianth and growing on a fleshy receptacle.
Nutritional Value of the BreadfruitThe breadfruit tree is loaded with breadfruits that carry multiple nutritional benefits. The nutritional content in breadfruit make it an excellent source for consumption as a daytime meal and snack. Breadfruit nutrition makes it an excellent snack that can be eaten during the day and in between meals.
Caution should be taken in consuming too much breadfruit at night based on its large quantity of carbohydrates and sugars. Such consumption at night makes one vulnerable to the depositing of calories in body tissues.
The island of Barbados is not at all lacking when it comes to the supply of breadfruit trees, as they are on just about every corner of the island. This Barbados delicacy is enjoyed in a variey of ways. It can be fried into breadfruit chips, boiled, baked or crushed into breadfruit coucou or pickled by way of soaking its cooked cubes in a bowl of cucumber, lime and fresh pepper.
Young men on the island can be seen roasting breadfruit outdoors as well. This process entails stuffing the breadfruit with meat, wrapping it with foil and roasting it over an open fire.
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