Elbow Room Bar & Stonegrill Dining
In the midst of a cluster of bars and restaurants nestled in 1st and 2nd St. Holetown, St. James, Barbados is a small, intimate restaurant known as Elbow Room restaurant.
There is no doubt that this establishment in Barbados will offer a unique dining experience for the discerning patron. Firstly, as you arrive at the local, it exudes a warm, Caribbean atmosphere. One can be seated indoors or outdoors and of course, the latter is always recommended as you can people watch and breathe in the crisp night air at the same time.
Then there are the drinks!! While the traditional drink offerings are available at Elbow Room, in looking at the drinks menu, there are going to be some unusual names (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It seems they may have concocted a few special blends and there should be absolutely no hesitancy in trying them. The non-alcoholic ones are said to be delicious!!!
The drinks are not the half of it. What makes dining at Elbow Room so unique and absolutely special, is the way in which the food is prepared. What, might you ask?? Well, you the patron, get to cook your own food!!
Yes at the Elbow Room Bar and Stone Grill, the dining experience lies at your finger-tips: in your plate!! On the menu are various salads, vegetables and other items from which to choose. It is your choice of meats or seafood that crowns the evening meal. After you make your selection, the food is brought to you and is cooked to perfection on the lava stone right in front of you. And yes... you eat off that very same plate.
It's different... it's fun and the food tastes good! Try the Elbow Room Bar and Stonegrill Dining while in Barbados!